TDCLOW sek-vai
TDC Prize
LOW sek-vai

The Curtain Rises & Falls

LOW sek-vai|The Curtain Rises & Falls
LOW sek-vai|The Curtain Rises & Falls
LOW sek-vai|The Curtain Rises & Falls
LOW sek-vai|The Curtain Rises & Falls

Before showing grateful to be awarded the Tokyo TDC prize, I would like to express my appreciation to designer Lu Min since I would not be able to create this graphic work without the illumination from him. As the main body of this poster, Designer Lu represents “the beauty of contrasts”. He likes traditional Chinese folk culture, classical music and French binding, and also interested in video games, handmade toys and pioneering culture…… His main achievement involves with the “after intermission” project, which considers publication design as an “on-stage performance” and self-publishing projects as “backstage entertainment”. His unique personality is the core of this exhibition and what I did was to express this ritualistic joy from a graphic perspective. Lucky that I didn’t ruin it. May the world be at peace.

LOW sek-vai

LOW Sek-vai (Foshan, China)
Graphic designer. Craftsman. Co-founder of TTTLAX with web artist xoesan. Residence designer of YAN BOOKS in Beijing. Dedicated to provide an alternative to publishing restricted by the constraints of major publishers.